Monday, January 30, 2012

Swimming in Grey

Sorry. Just wanted to start it like that. XD Everything's been going ok for the most part. =]
Still in a battle over my muscle pains. Went to see my PCM ((Primary Care Medic)), but got his stand in.  ^^* She was rather upfront about her absolute lack of any knowledge of my "condition". So she called another guy, and he basically did the same. ( '_';) Luckily I have bronchitis, so they were pretty excited they could do SOMETHING. lol
Backed out of the tattoo for the most part, for now. Just got too complicated honestly, and I just wasn't willing to make certain sacrifices. ((My wonderful wonderful Onsen<3, and of course, my loving squishy bear's adoration of my ankles. XD)) I felt pretty bad about having to back out over those kinds of things, but in the end I can always get one later. ^^

School thing.... yeah..... One of the first medium sized disappointments of the year. But I highly confident I'll be able to start in late March. Going back to school makes me a bit nervous. Seeing how the last time, I was UN-medicated, undiagnosed, highly stressed, having EBAs, anxiety attacks, and honestly, had no idea how to brace myself for college. ((Yes. Little did I know it was all the Ms's fault... and my family's.... XD))(MS is a cognitive, as well as a physical and emotional disease.) You'd be surprised to realize how much of your personality and life experiences came from or were influenced by MS... So this time around I'm readying myself and trying to keep calm. Slowly, but surely, I think I've gotten a bit of a handle on it. =]

Video wise, still need to get a program..... that actually works correctly.... XD And I got some video shooting ideas I'm still working on. :D In the end, I hope it helpful to some out there. ^^

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